Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Who Could Blame........................................

.....................GE? I could, in a freakin' heartbeat. And so it would appear could the author of this article. Capitalism without a conscience is what I call it and so would anybody else with 1/2 a brain. When will the general consensus come around to GOD DAMN IT ENOUGH ALREADY!! Most of Americas' corporate citizens are nothing but corporate turncoats and corporate traitors. It really doesn't take much to see that this kind of capitalism is not compatible with democracy. This kind of capitalism has gamed the system so we are a democracy in name only and in reality a plutocracy. One man, one vote, one hunk a horse shit. If the jerks in congress want to fix the deficit they should make GE and all the other Corporate slackers pay their share and leave whats left of the social safety net alone. Gee, imagine that! There might be enough left to even fix the safety net. Universal Health Care anyone?