Sunday, February 6, 2011

All Of These........................................

.................centennial birthday remembrances and salutations to Ronald Reagan are absolute whooie and horse hockey. He was a grade B actor with a talent for getting money from rich conservatives and screwing poor people (and the middle class too). His idea of a trickle down economy is proof of that. He thought gay people deserved AIDS and in his quest to give us less government he pandered to the religious right and tried to take away a woman's right to choose. By the end of his second term he was asleep at the wheel and had meatloaf for brains. Check that, I think he always had meatloaf for brains. He was the absolute worst. And when the world finally see's the US for the miserable plutocracy that it has become (thanks in a very large part to him) he will then be remembered as the parasite and shyster that he truly was. Oh yeah; A pox on Edwin Meeese, smarmy Reagan henchman, that he was........and David Stockman too for coming up with the swell idea of taxing the measly tips of waiters and waitresses. Ah Hell, a pox on all of em'!