.........................the sad and sorry fact of the matter is that all of those staunchly independent voters of Massachusetts are going to be herded by Scott Brown and the health insurance syndicate to the slaughter house. And they're dragging us with them, DAMN IT!!! Any change in health care is better then no change in health care and now that's what we've got: no change/status quo. The Democratic party really blew it for not pulling out all of the stops for this election. On one hand, we have shyster Republicans running a Three Card Monty game on the people; On the other we have the Laurel and Hardy Party tying their shoelaces together and running in circles. I don't care what it is, I'll take WHATEVER is behind Door #3. Dear God have mercy on this country. This isn't a government of, by and for the People; this is a government bought, paid for and driven into the ground by special interests, run by crooks and bubbleheads. The United States of America is so over...........