Monday, April 20, 2009


..............420 Day to all of you nice people out there that partake. The Rockefeller Laws, George HW Bush's zero tolerance War on Drugs, All of that prohibition crap is just sleazy cheap magic to take your eye's off of the real crimes taking place. Read about how the wealthy elite in this country have been rigging the system here since the Robber Baron days. That's where the real damage to society is being perpetrated. Read "American Dynasty" by Kevin Phillips or "Family of Secrets" by Russ Baker. The facts contained there-in would be enough to drive a less enlightend person to drink. The fact that possession of a weed that grows just about anywhere can get you a lengthy prison term with all of the attending rights and priviledges thereof is completely INSANE, mean spirited and just plain old WRONG!! What the hell ever happened to LIFE, LIBERTY and the pursuit of HAPPINESS? Have a nice (420) day......................
Update 5/2/09: True to form, that nice man who brought us purple haze and green hornet, lays out this very compelling argument for sanity here.