Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Trouble Comin'...............................
McCain is talking out of both sides of his mouth in this video. But more importantly, he looks terrible. Tired, confused and a couple steps behind himself. Which brings me to the main point of this bit.....it's Sarah Palin whose really running for president. Because McCain isn't going to make it through four years of the mess that we're in. Is that who we want for president, a gun toting Ms. Congeniality with designer glasses? Would the last person out of America please remember to turn out the lights. Thank you. On the other hand Joe Bidden's rebuttal is spot on. Go Joe!!!
And to answer smarmy Maggie Rodriguiz's question. Another legislator (see below) from Illinois without much experience brought us through the darkest days of our republic. So I'll put my chips on the Obama/Bidden ticket eight days a week. Anyone who puts theirs on McCain/Palin are throwing their chips and our country into the crapper.