..............that room was filled with, just a bunch of brain dead basket cases. When Smarmy Fred Thompson was talking about the Democrats plan to take taxes out of the otherside of the bucket, I almost threw my tv out the window. Memo to Fred/Dude, the bucket is empty, bone dry and we're just about dashed on the rocks, thanks to W's illegal war and republican control of congress for 6 of the past 8 years. The only people that believed any of Fred's crap were standing in that room with him last night. The way I see it, the Democrats know you have to pay to play; The Republicans want it all (for themselves) for nothing! And if there is a God, I'm sure a special place has been reserved in Democrat Hell for Joe Liberman. Did you notice all of those empty seats? It didn't look like they were drawing that much of even their own crowd. If our country wasn't at such a critical juncture it would have been a real yawner. I'm sure their stupid convention will only get worse......I am looking forward though to hearing Sarah Palin implode. This article should put everybody at ease, D'oh!!