Barack Obama is the Democratic Nominee for President!!! The time for the Clinton's to bow out gracefully passed a long time ago. Lead, follow or get out of the way. The leader has been chosen so, the Clinton's should follow or get out of the way. And they should also admit to and out the people in their campaign who shouted "Iron My Shirt" in New Hampshire. They had everything to gain and nothing to lose from that little episode. They just don't play fair. Just like gwbush; It's their way or no way. So with her it would have been four more years of the same old, same old. I'm glad this is all over. I just hope she is not part of some insipid dream ticket. That would be like a 138 lb tumor for Obama to carry around for the next four years. The Clinton campaign should waste no time in trying to undo as much of the damage they've inflicted on the democratic party as possible and get Barack Obama elected. If she doesn't and Obama loses the election she will be a pariah within the party and have squandered her place in history...... Great read here, my sentiments exactly.
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SotD via BewareTheBlog