1 Large (12 oz) Coffee Cup of Water
1 1/2 Tbsp Droste Cocoa (unsweetend and un-dutched)
1/3 of a Cinnamon stick
1/4+ tsp. Hot Chiles (powdered, no seeds. Try Chipotles)
1 tsp Vanilla
2 packets of Sugar or Splenda (or Honey to taste)
Add cinnamon and vanilla to water and boil. When water boils add dry ingredients. If you're using honey instead of Splenda this would be the time to add it. Stir and serve. If you can stir it with an egg beater it will get nice and frothy.
Ingredients as listed are per serving (12 oz Coffee Cup). Multiply as necessary. Choke Hazard! Look out for that piece of cinnamon stick. Its a good idea to make a thermos full. If you make a thermos full you can use one whole cinnamon stick. And Viola', the Choke Hazard disappears!! Now be careful not to poke your eye out. Enjoy.
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1/3 of a Cinnamon stick
1/4+ tsp. Hot Chiles (powdered, no seeds. Try Chipotles)
1 tsp Vanilla
2 packets of Sugar or Splenda (or Honey to taste)
Add cinnamon and vanilla to water and boil. When water boils add dry ingredients. If you're using honey instead of Splenda this would be the time to add it. Stir and serve. If you can stir it with an egg beater it will get nice and frothy.
Ingredients as listed are per serving (12 oz Coffee Cup). Multiply as necessary. Choke Hazard! Look out for that piece of cinnamon stick. Its a good idea to make a thermos full. If you make a thermos full you can use one whole cinnamon stick. And Viola', the Choke Hazard disappears!! Now be careful not to poke your eye out. Enjoy.
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